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Eggs benedict
One Course Meal
Main info
  • Preparation time: 15 min
  • Cooking time: 6 min - 700W
  • Appliance: Microwave
  • Season: Winter
  • Intolerance: Lactose free
  • Difficulty: Low
  • Eggs: 2
  • Egg Yolks: 2
  • Vinegar: 2 Spoons
  • Butter: 100 gr
  • Bread Slices: 2
  • Pickled Cucumber: 2
  • Salt: To taste
Melt the butter in the microwave, approximatly 1 minute at 700W (P100 for Candy microwaves)
Fullfill the Care Plus Protect Eggs and Omelette Cooker with cold water until the sign on the side.
Insert the dedicated basket
Break the eggs, one by one, in a small plate and let it slide carefully into the basket cavities, than close with the lid
Insert the Egg Cooker into the oven, select 700W (P100 for Candy microwaves), set time to 4 minutes and press Start to start cooking
While cooking, arrange the egg yolks in a small pot, add the vinegar and a pinch of salt and start to wip with a wisk in order to obtain a foamy and dense mixture
Add the butter, pouring it a little at a time and mixing gently
When ready, serve the eggs onto the toasted bread slices and garnish with the sauce and the pickled cucumbers
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Helpful tools
For the preparation of this recipe you may find the Care Pus Protect Egg & Omelette Cooker useful.
Discover more
CARE + PROTECT Egg Poacher & Omelette Cooker for Microwave